Surfer Vs Planet Blog

The French Revolution
Original article published 5 August, 2020 ​​[5-10 minute read]  Something exciting is happening in France. Look closely and you’ll see teams of forward-thinking surfboard creators who are ready to...
The French Revolution
Original article published 5 August, 2020 ​​[5-10 minute read]  Something exciting is happening in France. Look closely and you’ll see teams of forward-thinking surfboard creators who are ready to...

In the Beginning
The idea of starting Wave Changer was hatched following research completed in 2018 on the subject of surfing and sustainability which explores, in detail, our favourite pastime and its interaction with nature.
In the Beginning
The idea of starting Wave Changer was hatched following research completed in 2018 on the subject of surfing and sustainability which explores, in detail, our favourite pastime and its interaction with nature.